08/15/2024 – Since August 15, 2024, we are pleased to welcome five new faces to our Bergmann team.
We are pleased to introduce the latest additions to our team!
We are delighted to be expanding our Bergmann team by five more members. We would therefore like to warmly welcome Jakob, Ivo, Basheer, Johann and Kevin!
While Johann will be involved in the development of our dumpers as a prospective technical product designer, Jakob, Ivo and Basheer will start their training as agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics engineers and will be involved in the assembly of our dumpers, among other things. Finally, Kevin, our industrial clerk trainee, will be able to get to know many departments in the commercial sector.
We are already looking forward to the time ahead with you!
Bei Bergmann glauben wir daran, dass wir mit den richtigen Leuten an unserer Seite noch mehr erreichen können. Wenn auch du Teil unseres Teams werden möchtest, dann bewirb Dich jetzt als:
At Bergmann, we believe that with the right people by our side, we can achieve even more. If you want to be part of our team, apply now as:
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